Dates | Venue | Category |
20-24 February 2023 | Bangkok – Thailand | IT-Security |
15-19 May 2023 | Port Moresby – Papua New Guinea | IT-Security |
2-6 October 2023 | Kuala Lumpur – Malaysia | IT-Security |
The course will provide participants with a comprehensive spectrum of personal and security training.
- The participants will benefit from receiving instruction from an established and highly successful security and risk consultant who has over 14 years of operating globally and delivering to the client’s satisfaction.
- Our world class trainer deliver high quality training that ensures all participants are prepared to deal with all potential security situations and therefore mitigate the risk to life and loss of business continuity.
- This will ultimately save the client time and money as well preserving corporate reputation in the event of a high profile incident.
- Business owners/proprietors
- BoardDirectors
- Security Directors / Managers
- Security Professionals
- Information Managers
- IT Professionals
- Business Auditors and Advisors
- Facilities Directors/ Managers
- Business Protection Supervisors /Implementers
Session 1: Introduction
- Course aims and objectives
- Threat and Risk Asssements (TRA) module:
- Conducting workplace TRA
- Running a security operations room, report and returns (R2) and deployment of QRF
- Site security assessments; Identify vulnerable points (VPs), site surveilance and monitering , vehicle access control and search measures.
- Practical exercise – Site assessment
Session 2: Crisis response and crisis management Module
- Proactive measures: on site briefings, emergency response plan
- Crisis Cell, structure, function and coordination of assets
- Reactive measures: actions on
- Crisis Response exercise
Session 3: Environmental threats Module
- Fire
- Explosion
- Leakage and contamination
- Setting up an Incident Control Point (ICP)
- Emergency services RV and reception
- Practical exercise
Session 4: Counter Terrorism module
- Profling of terrorists and threat assessment
- Employer coercion and intimidation
- Marauding (armed) attacker(s) scenario – lockdown procedure and ‘safe’ spaces
- Hostage taking and dealing with captivity and hostage rescue
- IED threat – types (vehicle, personnel, postal packages and suspicious item) recognition, reporting, safety distances, blast mitigation
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