Developing Excellence in People Leadership

Developing Excellence in People Leadership
11-22 September 2023Bangkok – ThailandHR-Management-Leadership

This Developing Excellence in People Leadership comprehensive training course incorporates a number of the most difficult leadership skills – the ones that deal with other people – into a two-week intensive training course of people leadership with a focus on communication, interpersonal skills, motivation and organisational culture.

This training course is split into two modules:

PART 1: Leadership, Communications & Interpersonal Skills (Sessions 1-5)

PART 2: Managing & Motivating Towards Excellence (Session 6-10)

Each module is structured and can be taken as a stand-alone training course; however, delegates will maximise their benefits by taking Module 1 and 2 back-to-back as a 2-week training course.


Upon the completion of this training, participants will be able to:

  • Study effective management of our thoughts, beliefs, focus and action
  • Consider how to build confidence, enthusiasm and courage
  • Explore methods of improving communication
  • Analyze the public face of the leader
  • Gain insights into their own strengths and weaknesses and leadership styles
  • Be able to understand the emotional makeup of their teams, colleagues and customers
  • Be able to harness their employees’ emotional intelligence to release creativity in the workplace
  • Understand and practice key people skills to motivate towards excellence 
  • Managers, leaders and professionals who want to discover new ways to lead their teams
  • Those who want a better understanding of the psychology of leadership and workplace behaviour
  • Those interested in developing their skills in motivating and leading teams to achieve the organizational mission
  • Managers who are making the transition to leadership

Session 1: Self-Mastery, Reality and Responsibility 

  • Controlling your Thoughts and your Actions – Taking Charge of your Brain
  • Shifting Paradigms to Bring Success
  • Tapping the Power of the Emotional Loop – The Shadow of the Leader
  • Gaining Power and Freedom by Taking Responsibility
  • The Power of Beliefs – Developing the Quality of Persistence
  • The Power of Beliefs – Developing the Quality of Resilience
  • The Power of Beliefs – Developing the Quality of Courage

Session 2: Achieving Your Vision

  • Analysing the Impact of Values on Your Leadership
  • Understanding How Your Values Impact your Purpose
  • Designing Your Destiny with the Power of  a Personal Vision
  • Directing your Focus on Outcomes-focused Objectives
  • The Power of Beliefs – Developing the Quality of Self-confidence
  • The Power of Beliefs – Developing the Quality of Enthusiasm
  • Operating with Personal Integrity

Session 3: Advanced Communication Skills

  • Communicating with Intention – Understanding the Communication Process
  • How Communication Breaks Down and how to Avoid it Happening
  • Building Rapport by Using Active Listening Techniques
  • Planning Effective Oral Communication
  • Delivering Effective Oral Communication – Techniques and Tips to Get your Message Across
  • Synchronising  your Verbal and Nonverbal Communication – Building a Commanding Personal Style
  • Dealing with Different Communication Styles and Needs

Session 4: Leadership

  • Understanding The Importance of Emotional Intelligence
  • Developing Self-awareness, Motivation, Empathy and Social Skills
  • Moving to A New Model of Empowerment
  • Recognizing 21st Century Leadership Skills
  • Interpreting Institutional and Interactive Leadership
  • Comprehending The Difference between Leadership and Management
  • Utilizing Effective Situational Leadership
  • Learning The 4 Es of Leadership at GE: Energy, Excite, Edge and Execute
  • Evaluating The Leadership Secrets of Jack Welch
  • Investigating Theories of Motivation

Session 5: The Public Face of the Mature Leader

  • Making Successful Presentations
  • Influencing through Appeal to Achievement of a Vision
  • Influencing through The Utilization of Logic
  • Influencing through A Genuine People Orientation
  • Displaying Personal Power in Communications
  • Overcoming The Failure Mechanism
  • Running Productive Meetings
  • Reviewing The Course

Session 6: Adopting the New Organisational Culture through Understanding People

  • Importance of Perception
  • Perception in the Workplace
  • Maximizing our Perceptual Ability
  • Type & Trait Theories of Human Personality
  • Understanding Personality Styles
  • Optimizing our Personality Strengths
  • Removing Emotional Blind Spots
  • Appropriate Self-disclosures

Session 7: Motivating Employees

  • Understanding Motivation
  • Motivating Ourselves and Others
  • Applying Theories of Motivation in the Workplace
  • How leaders can motivate employees?
  • Removing Blocks to Motivation
  • Motivation for Excellent Performance
  • Motivating a High Performance Team
  • The Art of Giving and Receiving Criticism 

Session 8: Motivating Innovative & Creative Thinking in the Workplace

  • Psychological Principles of Creativity in the Workplace
  • Encouraging Creativity for Continuous Improvement
  • Convergent & Divergent Thinking
  • Understanding and Managing Creative People
  • Stages of the Creative Process: Preparation, Incubation, Illumination & Verification
  • Transforming Blocks to Creativity
  • Creativity for Business Breakthroughs
  • Divergent Thinking Skills for Innovative Leadership

Session 9: The New Leader

  • Psychological Principles of Leadership
  • Theories of Leadership
  • Leadership for Managing Performance
  • Transactional Leadership & Transformational Leadership
  • Visionary & Competent Leadership
  • Developing Leadership Integrity
  • Innovative Leadership for Excellent Performance
  • Being Prepared to Lead

Session 10: Managing for Excellence

  • Development of Vision, Mission , Key Goals and Key Processes
  • Optimizing the Leader’s Natural Strengths
  • Integrity & Compassion for Accountable Leadership
  • Leadership for Performance Management
  • Managing Change and getting others involved
  • Leading by Example
  • Inspirational Leadership
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