Safety Management Systems for Civil Aviation

Safety Management Systems for Civil Aviation
15-19 May 2023Bangkok – ThailandAirport – Aviation
26-30 Jun 2023Port Moresby – Papua New GuineaAirport – Aviation
9-13 Oct 2023Kuala Lumpur – MalaysiaAirport – Aviation

A successful SMS reduces the rate and cost of accidents and incidents, improves communication and productivity, and helps your airport meet its legal responsibility to manage safety.

Learn how to implement an efficient SMS at your airport and promote a safety culture within your organization. Understand the relevance of risk management in relation to SMS and learn how to evaluate, prioritize and mitigate risk. Analyze the impact human factors have on safety and develop your skills in detecting, controlling and preventing errors in an airport environment.


By attending this training, participants will be able to:

  • Implement a safety culture throughout your organization
  • Apply the risk management cycle to your organization
  • Integrate safety into aerodrome operations by applying management controls to safety-critical processes
  • Understand how regulatory requirements, State concerns and State Safety Program (SSP) apply to SMS
  • Airport Managers
  • Station Managers
  • Airport authority representatives

Managing risk

  • Risk assessment tools
  • Acceptance of risk
  • Mitigating risk

Implementing SMS

  • Safety culture and policy
  • Hazard identification
  • Risk management
  • Investigating and auditing
  • Documenting and gathering data

Regulating SMS

Managing human factors

Role of the SSP in SMS implementation

Reviewing the role of ISAGO


  • Practical case-studies and exercises on risk management and SMS
  • Final exam
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