Classroom Course

Category Management in Procurement
This Category Management in Procurement training course will provide you an effective methodology of Category Management and how this approach can be used in effectively ensuring best in class operations for Procurement Management.
Contract Management Mastery
The course will also cover how contracts are negotiated including techniques for negotiating on contract variations and claims. Also covered are the day to day commercial issues which can arise from business agreements
Effective Procurement, Supply Chain Management & Contracts Crafting
This training is designed to help contracts and procurement professionals understand and manage with the rising complexity of commercial and business relationships
Negotiation Masterclass: Yellow & Green Belt Negotiator
At the end of this 5-day, training you will come to an understanding of Buying Groups but even more understanding the art of negotiation
Procurement & Supply Chain Management
This Procurement and Supply Chain Management Best Practices training course explores key concepts forming the basis of procurement and supply chain management and moves through leading edge issues that confront organizations today
Purchasing, Tendering & Supplier Selection Techniques
This 5-day training course on Purchasing, Tendering & Supplier Selection is aimed at developing and furthermore strengthening the understanding of the crucial role played by the supplier in delivering customer service excellence through an effective supply chain
Effective Project Coordination & Management
Projects frequently fail, not because of a lack of technical skills on the part of those executing the project, but because of inadequate coordination, integration, communication and control of project activities, people, stakeholders and contractors
Mastering Project Requirements
his training course will progress by exploring the bigger picture, understanding what is needed from a strategic perspective, consider operational or tactical requirements
Project Performance Measurement & Management
This 5-day Project Performance Measurement and Management training course will highlight the added value that can be achieved when effective control mechanisms and performance measurement tools are applied using proven project management techniques
Project Risk Management & Compliance
In this Project Risk Management training course, you’ll work through the proactive approach to both sides of risk: threats and opportunities.
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