At the end of this 2-day training, you will become trained in using negotiation techniques and will discover which you will find easy/difficult to actually implement and how to work around that. You will also be able to identify the strengths and weakness of a buying alliances and how you can play with that as a negotiator.
By the end of the course, participants will:
- distinguish the way of buying groups in private and branded negotiations
- understand all different steps in a tendering process
- analyse the weaknesses and strengths of every step of a that process
- understand how to read a price comparison file as to prepare negotiation
- practical use of trade storming as negotiation hard skill tool
- understand the use of a value matrix
- using mind mapping in negotiations
- practical use of BATNA
- feel the difference and interact with blue and red table negotiations
- make us of escalation
- using the art of positioning to your benefit
- using territoriality in negotiations
- a selection of some meeting techniques that can also be used in negotiation
- using the mysterious overlord in practice
Negotiation Masterclass: Green Belt Negotiator is targeted to professionals working in the sales and buying teams who have completed Yellow Belt Negotiator module. Professionals from the following departments at all levels will benefits more:
- Supply Chain
- Procurement
- Contract
- Purchasing
- Sales
Day One:
Working with Buying Groups
- Difference between private brand tenders and (inter)national brand nego
- Analyis of a tendering process and identifying weakness/strengths in all steps
- Understanding a price comparison
Negotiation techniques
Hard skill negotiation techniques
- Practical use of hard skills using trade storming technique
- BCG value matrix
- Mindmapping negotiations
- Practical use of hard skills using BATNA
Activity 1: Buying alliance case studies
Activity 2: Trade storming and weighing
Activity 3: Selection of techniques and learning review
Activity 4: Value matrix
Day Two:
Negotiation techniques
Soft skill negotiation techniques
- Practical use of soft skills using visual techniques
- Practical use of soft skills using social techniques
Soft skill negotiation techniques
- Blue vs red table
- Escalation dangers
- The art of positioning
- Territoriality in negotiation
- Meeting techniques
- Mysterious overlord
Activity: Selection of techniques and learning review