
Risk Management: Internal Control & Fraud Prevention
This Risk Management training seminar will enable you to develop and deliver a systematic plan to strengthen your risk management, fraud prevention and  internal control environment
Conducting Internal Investigation & Fraud & Risk Management
This program takes participants through the essentials of corporate fraud, red flags which comes along with each scheme and the means for adopting a comprehensive Fraud Risk Management Framework
Fraud Prevention, Detection & Investigation
This Fraud Prevention, Detection and Investigation training course will benefit organisations in all business sectors and will provide both public and private owned businesses with a much greater appreciation of the ever increasing risk posed by fraud, and how to deal with these threats
Financial Crime & Intelligence Analysis
This well researched and enthusiastically delivered training course has been designed to combine instructor delivering actual case studies, followed by in depth discussions, exercises and question and answer sessions throughout
Developing, Improving & Monitoring the Internal Audit Function
Delegates attending this Developing, Improving & Monitoring the Internal Audit Function training course will have the desire de develop or improve their own organisation's internal audit functio
Anti-Corruption & Anti-Bribery Best Practices
This Anti-Corruption and Anti-Bribery training course introduces the concept and definitions attached to this challenge worldwide and shows how it has grown and how the world is now fighting back
Adding Value in Internal Audit
This Adding Value in Internal Audit training course will enable your Internal Audit function to be transformed into a modern, proactive, and future- focused business partner
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Kindly contact us for more details about this topic.
Kindly contact us for more details about this topic.

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